Monday, May 17, 2010

My First Official Marathon Run in 2010

Neutrogena's Chase the Sun last May16 was my first official marathon run in 2010.

We runners indeed chase the sun as we gather at 5:25 a.m. for the group warm up stretching exercise...gunstarts at 5:55,just as the sun was rising in the east. It was a beautiful Sunday for us runners to be gathered again.

I thought i wouldn't last long because it's been a while since i did distance running...with very minimal instances of slow stride,as i was advised not to fully stop even when you're tired but to slow down & keep your stride, and some quick stop at the water station. I have finished my 5K run in 37 minutes++...whew!not bad for a start...Didn't had lots of pictures though but i guess what's more important is what you learn about your stride, your pace, your endurance and more of yourself as a runner along the way.

I am looking forward for the trail run next month.